Pyrolysis and pyrolysis condition

Tire pyrolysis (pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material  in an absence of oxygen) is currently paid more attention by the people in the world. Recycling of tires by pyrolysis offers an environmentally attractive method. Our final products of tire pyrolysis plant are: Solid leftover (30-35 wt %), liquid leftover (40-45 wt %), scrap steel (10-15 wt %) and gases (10-15 wt %). The solid leftover contains carbon black and the mineral matter initially present in the tire.  As one of the main final product the carbon black can be used as fuel which generates no smoke to the environment when it is burned. The liquid product is mainly liquid fuel oil which can be used in the heavy industry or the boiler. The liquid oil is composed of complex mixture of Elements; the liquid product consists of a very complex mixture of organic components. The waste gas which cannot be condensed will be used as fuel in the pyrolysis processor. Thus, the derived oils may be used directly as fuels, petroleum refinery feedstock or a source of chemicals. The gaseous fraction is composed of non- condensable organics as, H2, H2S, CO, CO2, CH4, C2H4, C3H6 etc. The gas fraction can be used as fuel in the pyrolysis process.
waste tyre  pyrolysis plant
Waste tyre pyrolysis plant
The final products of pyrolysis of waste tyre are carbon black,pyrolysis oil, gas which Cannot be condensed. The percentage of each phase is influenced by pyrolysis process.
Conditions, such as temperature, pressure, heating rate, particle sizes, heat exchange system, catalyst ,etc. The maximum conversation of the tire to oil  pyrolysis  occued at a temperature 600 ℃ found that the temperature dose not signigicantly influence the char and gas yields over 500 ℃.The variations of the temperature will influence the gas yield.
The tyre to oil final products



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