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What is the process of pyrolysis oil extraction?

pyrolysis oil extraction
Pyrolysis oil extraction working process
1. Put raw materials into reactor by auto-feeder, then heat the reactor with any one of the following fuel materials: coal, wood, natural gas, oil. Do not stop heating the reactor, when the temperature reaches nearly 250 degree Celsius, waste tyre/plastic/rubber will be transferred to oil gas.
2. The liquid oil will be cooled by condenser from oil gas and then collected by oil tank. Third, the exhaust gas which can not be cooled in normal pressure will be recycled to heat the reactor. In this way, you can not only saving energy, but also protecting environment.
3. After you get oil, the temperature will be low, at this time, carbon black will be discharged automatically.
Last, when the temperature falls to 100 degree Celsius, worker could put steel wire hook to reactor to take steel wire out. After all these steps, you can start another batch.

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